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“You’re giving me the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ routine? I invented ‘it’s not you, it’s me.’ Nobody tells me it’s them not me; if it’s anybody, it’s me.”
- George Costanza
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The Monthly Download—September 2024

Is it time to be more like Alex?

Here’s a story about a business owner named Alex. Alex runs a successful marketing agency, and business has been booming. But with growth comes growing pains, and Alex has found himself increasingly bogged down by IT issues.

At first, Alex tried to handle everything himself. After all, he was pretty good with computers. And for a while it seemed to work. Alex managed to fix minor issues and keep things running.

But then, one Monday morning, disaster struck. Malicious software had infected the company’s main server, crippling their operations. Alex spent days trying to fix the issue, losing valuable time and money in the process. It was a wake-up call: Doing it himself wasn’t a sustainable solution.

Determined to avoid another disaster, Alex decided to train his top employee, Sarah, to handle IT alongside her regular duties. Sarah was smart and quick to learn, but the additional responsibilities quickly became overwhelming. She found herself stretched too thin, and her productivity in her main role started to suffer. Not to mention, the fast-paced tech world was hard to keep up with, and soon, Sarah felt like she was drowning in a sea of updates and security threats.

Realizing this wasn’t working, Alex considered hiring an in-house IT team. But the costs were daunting. Recruiting skilled professionals, providing ongoing training, and equipping them with the right tools would require a significant investment. For a mid-sized business, this was a heavy financial burden.

That’s when Alex discovered the benefits of outsourcing IT. He found a reputable IT service provider with a team of experts ready to step in.

Here’s what Alex found:

1. Expertise on tap: The outsourced IT team brought knowledge and experience. They were always up to date with the latest technologies and security threats, making sure the agency’s systems were secure and efficient.

2. Cost savings: Instead of paying salaries and benefits for a full-time team, Alex paid a monthly fee based on the services he needed. This was a much more affordable solution.

3. Focus on core business: With IT taken care of, Alex and Sarah could focus on what they did best – growing their business. Productivity soared, and so did their client satisfaction.

4. Scalability: As the agency continued to grow, the outsourced IT team easily scaled their services to meet the increasing demands. No need for Alex to worry about hiring more staff or buying new equipment.

By outsourcing IT, Alex not only solved his immediate problems but also set the stage for sustainable growth. The agency was now protected from cyber threats and was running smoothly, all without the hefty price tag of an in-house team.

Alex’s story is a great example of why outsourcing IT is a smart move. It frees up time and resources, allowing you to focus on what you do best, while experts handle the complexities of IT.

So, if you’re still trying to juggle IT responsibilities with other tasks, consider taking a page from Alex’s book. We can help you with that, get in touch.

What's happening at RCT this month?

Mitch will be attending CanITCon September 8-10 in beautiful Kelowna! This event is a fantastic opportunity for Mitch to dive deeper into the latest trends and innovations in the IT industry. He’s looking forward to connecting with fellow Canadian MSPs, exchanging ideas, and gaining new insights that will help us continue to deliver top-notch service to our clients. Stay tuned for updates on the exciting things Mitch brings back from the conference!

Business gadget of the month

Flexispot Electric Standing Desk

We all know that sitting down all day is no good for us, but when you have an office job, it’s unavoidable. Or is it?

The Flexispot Electric Standing Desk lets you stand while you work, making it easier to move around and giving your posture a boost too.

It has a silent motor, is quick to assemble, and has a digital keypad that allows you to add height presets (including a sitting position, of course).

$239.99 from Amazon.

Technology Update

Average ransomware demands are soaring

Cyber criminals are getting confident. And they’re asking for obscene ransoms to give you back your data after a ransomware attack (that’s where they lock or encrypt your computer files and demand payment to unlock or decrypt them).

The average demand in the first half of this year? More than $5 MILLION. It’s time to get the right security measures in place.

Tech facts

  • In 2002, Welsh website llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.co.uk won the title for the longest website URL in the world. It lost the title in 2006, when 6 other people registered longer URLs, but in 2007, the Welsh URL was upgraded from 63 to 68 characters and regained its title.
  • The first computer password is believed to have been created in the 1960s, by Fernando Corbató, who worked on the Compatible Time- Sharing System (CTSS) at MIT. He created it so that several people could share the computer he built.
  • The microwave oven was an accidental invention. A researcher, Percy Spencer, discovered that every time he walked past a cavity magnetron tube the chocolate bar in his pocket melted.

Inspirational quote of the month

"Transparency within your organization is the difference between having a business that’s simply running and having one that’s moving in one direction.”

Michael Riedijk, CEO of Page Freezer Software

A New Month, A New Tech Quiz

1) What language is used most on the internet worldwide?

2) How many apps are in the Apple App Store?

3) What’s the official name for the “prove you’re not a robot” test?

4) What does URL stand for?

5) What was the first emoticon ever used?

The answers are below.

  1. English
  2. Almost 2 million
  3. CAPTCHA. It’s an acronym for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
  4. Uniform Resource Locator
  5. 🙂 In 1982 by computer scientist Scott Fahlman. Emoticons are made up of keyboard characters, whereas emojis are little images

New to Microsoft 365

Excel on the web has a revamped look

Microsoft is giving Excel on the web a facelift. It has new features that make it faster to add and resize rows and columns, rearrange elements with drag and drop, to highlight critical information, and improve readability.

The Excel app for Windows and Mac has also got new features, such as checkboxes and support for OpenDocument format.

For any help or advice, get in touch. It’s what we do.

Rivercity Tech
Article Written by Rivercity Tech

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