Moving between SQL and Access there are a few tricks you need to know. I thought it would be good to show some common areas which are stumbling blocks:
CInt and CString use Cast or Convert (depending on scenario)
Nz([Field1,null) use Coalesce([field1],[field2],null, ....)
"string" use 'string'
#date# use 'date'
append query use insert
Like "*string" use like '%string' (the % is the wildcard)
dbo_tblname use dbo.tblname (the linked table can't hold a "." in it, and replaces it with an "_".
Query create View
For moves to SQL, think about switching to Views for your larger power queries. This will radically improve your database and the results of your queries.
Result = WAY FASTER QUERIES! Views run server side on SQL Server, Queries are hit and miss and tend to pull data locally and run client side. If you like this, say "thanks Jeff!". You're welcome!
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