This code allows you to use a multi-select list box list box with multiple options) instead of a combo box on a search form front end to a query or table. It loops through the selected values and builds a string called "criteria" with the selected values all in it as " OR " options. The example result would look like "("OPEN" or "CLOSED" or "IN PROGRESS")
Then it merges that string with the existing strwhere for the other search criteria picked and adds the " and " to it per normal.
That way people can search for more than one option from a field at a time in conjunction with other fields.
An example of the code behind ONE listbox field (status list box instead of status dropdown)
If Not IsNull(Me![cbostatus].ItemsSelected) Then
' Build criteria string from selected items in list box.
criteria = "("
For Each i In Me![cbostatus].ItemsSelected
If criteria <> "(" Then
criteria = criteria & " OR "
End If
criteria = criteria & "([Project Status]= """ & Me![cbostatus].ItemData(i) & """)"
Next i
If criteria = "(" Then
criteria = ""
strWhere = strWhere
strWhere = criteria & ") AND "
End If
End If