You might assume that cybercriminals only have their sights set on big corporations or those swimming in cash. But recent findings reveal a different story.
Reports show that businesses of all sizes, from small local shops to giant enterprises, are under threat from cyber-attacks. And what is the weapon of choice for these criminals? Botnets.
But what exactly are botnets, and why should you be concerned? Botnets are like cyber armies controlled by a single malicious entity. These armies consist of compromised devices, ranging from computers to even smart appliances like refrigerators.
The scale of botnet activity is staggering. A recent report documented a significant increase in their usage, with over a million devices involved in malicious activities at one point. To put this into perspective, it's a hundred times more than the usual levels of botnet activity.
Typically, around 10,000 devices engage in malicious activities daily, with 20,000 being the highest previously recorded number. However, in December 2023, things went haywire. The count surged to 35,144; two weeks later, it climbed even higher to 43,194. That's a massive number of compromised devices.
But the peak came later when the number of distinct devices used in botnets hit a record 143,957. In fact, on January 5 and 6 alone, there were spikes involving over a million devices!
Why are cybercriminals doing this? These botnets are scanning the internet to exploit vulnerabilities in websites, servers, and email systems.
Think of the internet as a fortress with numerous entry points. Cybercriminals are searching for unlocked doors and open windows to infiltrate. They target specific "ports" serving as entry points.
So, what can you do to safeguard your business from these threats?
It's all about fortifying your defences. Here are some straightforward steps:
If you're looking to enhance your business's security, we're here to help. Contact us, and let's keep your business safe from cyber threats.
Until next time, keep fit and have fun!
(TYYV) The Yada Yada Version:
Businesses of all sizes are vulnerable to the growing threat of cyber attacks facilitated by botnets, and yada yada yada; these steps will provide practical tips for enhancing cybersecurity defences.
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