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Boost Your Productivity: Mastering Microsoft Edge's Top Features

Boosting productivity is a top priority for many business owners and managers. Finding ways to speed up tasks and enhance communication can make a big difference. Luckily, there are tools right at your fingertips that can help, like Microsoft Edge in Windows 11. This web browser offers a host of features designed to supercharge your productivity. Here are five of our favourites:

  1. Split Screen for Multitasking: Juggling multiple tasks is a breeze with Microsoft Edge's split screen feature. It lets you view two web pages side-by-side within the same tab. Whether you're comparing information or checking different sites, this feature makes multitasking a cinch.
  2. Vertical Tabs for Easy Navigation: Are you tired of tab overload? Microsoft Edge's vertical tabs neatly stack along the side of your browser window, making it easy to navigate between them. Plus, you can easily access essential controls like closing tabs.
  3. Workspaces for Team Collaboration: Collaboration is essential in any business, and Microsoft Edge's Workspaces feature makes it simple. Create a workspace with all the tabs you need for a project or meeting, then share it with colleagues or clients via a link. It's perfect for brainstorming sessions or team presentations.
  4. Collections for Organized Research: Researching online is a common task, and Microsoft Edge's Collections feature helps you stay organized. You can save and organize text, images, and videos from web pages into custom collections, keeping all your research in one place.
  5. Immersive Reader for Distraction-Free Reading: When you need to focus on reading, distractions can be a nuisance. Microsoft Edge's Immersive Reader feature removes ads, links, and other interruptions for a clutter-free reading experience. You can even customize the text to suit your preferences and have it read aloud.

If your business isn't already using Microsoft Edge on Windows 11, now might be the perfect time to make the switch. Need help moving over? Feel free to reach out—we're here to help.

Until next time, keep fit and have fun!

(TYYV) The Yada Yada Version:

Discover how Microsoft Edge's top features can revolutionize your productivity workflow and yada yada yada reach out if you need help switching over.

Mitch Redekopp
Article Written by Mitch Redekopp

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